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From connecting people, services and devices, to connecting enterprises and future technologies, fostering win-win ecosystems for everyone
Connecting people is the core of what we do. We develop and provide a wide range of easy to use instant messaging and social networks. Our innovations make communications and sharing more convenient, lively and personal, enriching the lives of our users.
On the principle of "connecting everything", Tencent continues to explore a range of diverse, integrated social entertainment offerings that look towards the future. Building upon high-quality content and driven by our technological innovations, We continue to explore the next generation of social and content integration. Through cross-screen, multi-platform and multi-format models, We aim to provide Internet users with diversified and multi-dimensional content, to satisfy all of our users' entertainment needs.
At the same time, We are firmly aware of the importance of copyright and IP to the protection of creative industries. With respect to copyright, We endeavour to explore potential IPs in the content business ecosystem. At present, our digital content products include: Online Games, Video, Live Streaming, News, Music, Literature.
Tencent Games
Tencent Video
Tencent Pictures
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Striving for excellence and openness in building a compliant ecosystem with risk control, plus our awareness of things that we should do, Tencent's FinTech services leverage Weixin Pay and QQ Wallet to connect people with financial products and solutions, build an ecosystem for the financial sector, collaborate with our partners to provide innovative financial services such as mobile payment, wealth management, loans and securities trading to users around the globe.
Weixin Pay
微信支付 不止支付
QQ Wallet
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Tencent offers a variety of utility software designed to help users quickly and directly address issues such as network security management, fast browsing, navigation, application management, email and much more.
Tencent Mobile Manager
有实力 无所惧
Tencent PC Manager
QQ Browser
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Tencent is dedicated to being a “digital assistant”. Through cutting-edge Internet infrastructure and technologies, including Cloud, AI, Big Data Analytics, Security, Payment, Mini Programs, LBS and others, we can help various industries upgrade to digital, and build smart business solutions. We help customers identify new business models and profit growth drivers, and build a new, intelligent ecosystem that efficiently connects customers and enterprises. This process has been applied across many industries, including finance, retail, municipal sevices, tourism, healthcare, transportation and education.
Tencent Smart Retail provides partners with one-stop solutions and services for retail, such as consultancy, planning, pilot operation, and deployment.
Harnessing our technical capabilities, Tencent Smart Healthcare aims to promote innovation in technologies, applications and cooperation models in the healthcare sector.
Tencent is advancing the development of smart transportation through the application of expertise in artificial intelligence, HD maps, simulation platforms, social network, mobile payments, network security, and other avenues, combining traditional transportation with the Internet.
Connection, content and social responsibility are the starting points for Tencent Education. Leveraging our connection with 1.1 billion users, our leading technology and rich digital content.
Tencent has established a future-oriented innovation engine to drive the application of technologies in industries such as agriculture, industrial, retail and medical, ultimately benefiting consumers.
Official Website腾讯理财通作为腾讯官方理财平台,自2014年1月14日在微信支付内上线以来,就定位“精品化互联网理财平台”,携手银行、基金、券商、保险等金融机构,针对用户不同风险等级的理财需求,为用户定制固定收益类、浮动收益类等不同资产类别的金融理财产品,通过多样化的理财产品满足不同用户的理财需求。除此之外,理财通先后上线了工资定投、梦想计划、指数定投、信用卡还款理财、还房贷理财等产品功能,为用户提供安全、稳健、便捷、多元的互联网理财服务。